Week 32 - Changes in practice
34 weeks ago (so I maybe got an extension or two) I started on this Mind Lab journey. After convincing several of my colleagues to join me, we began - and what a journey it has been. Reflective practice, while often confused with reflection, is neither a solitary nor a relaxed meditative process. To the contrary, reflective practice is a challenging , demanding , and often trying process that is most successful as a collaborative effort. (Osterman & Kottkamp, 1993). Solitary The above quote has certainly rung true for me. The whole process has been at its best when shared with others. When sitting, attempting to write a literature review by myself for the first time in several years, I felt alone and frustrated. The minute I decided to share my research questions and ideas with my fellow Mind Lab students I felt energised and excited. The ability to share this journey with so many like-minded individuals has surely been one of the highlights. The first ...